August 09, 2005

It's the final countdown

Three weeks.

One week till NY. Pray for me - safe travel, and safe visit. I'll be at home (in the guest room on the pull-out sofa) with my mom, dad, and my brother. Bless his heart, I called home last night, and he answered the phone (which caught me off-guard - almost didn't recognize his voice - since he's not been home much this summer) and proceeded to 'reassure' me that he would not be home too much during the week I'll be home, but that we would see each other on the weekend.

I am starting to really feel the pressure of the final few days. I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by! Someone asked me the other day what I've been doing this summer, and I blanked. I said something like, "Well, I've been busy, but I just remember doing what right now." I had to look back at my day planner to see what I've actually been doing.

Praise, praise, praise!
God has resolved some things for me financially today. It was a great relief to hear the news.

Good eats - last night after our not-so-single class/ministry/group prayer meeting, some of us went out to Wok HAY! for dinner. I really liked my lo mein (Em didn't like her pad tai, though, so buyer beware). Sorina and her Romanian palate didn't have much of a taste for her mango salsa, but she managed to stomach the ahi tuna. And I suppose those last comments make it sound like the food wasn't too good, but I really liked it - probably because I got the best (unique) fortune - 'You will be fortunate in everything you put your hands on.' Hopefully that bodes well for the coming year!

Tschus -


August 03, 2005


Well, folks (if there's anyone out there who still reads this thing!), things have changed around again since my last posting. The executive board of Project Purpose 2005 decided that there would be no PP'05, so this summer has been much different than I expected. I have still done some temping, helped out with a church thing, done some volunteering at Montgomery Village, moved (thanks Tommy and Kristy), and done some babysitting. A pretty mixed bag of things, but it's kept me busy.

As I write this blog, I am in Nashville, at a home that has become somewhat of a rest/rejuvenate place for me. Several weeks ago, God convicted me of a need to make a decision to be obedient to His will in an area of my life, and it is as if since making that decision, a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, a veil has been lifted from in front of my eyes, and like everything has gone from black and white to color. Praise God! He is so faithful, and knows exactly what we need and in what timing. He has brought me so much closer to Himself over the past few weeks, but I could feel myself starting to let things get in the way, so I knew I just needed a small break to get away, focus, and come back refreshed from some reading, praying, and stimulating spiritual conversation. It is like when I finally hear truth about something, I can finally exhale, and God has been revealing some big truths to me lately.

I am in the final count down, friends. It is less than four weeks until I depart for Germany. I will be there for a year (!), teaching English, and doing other various things. I am so excited (ask anyone who has any contact with me...oh, what, you probably are someone who has contact with me!) about this trip, and how God has perfectly orchestrated it. It has been amazing to look back and see how God has had His hand on my life, guiding me to this point, without my realizing that this was where He was guiding me.

Thank you for your prayers as I have been raising support for the mission trip to Chemnitz. Please pray that the Lord's will would be done. That's the main thing.

Love to all!


PS - check out this article for a little bit of insight into the current state of Christianity in Europe.