October 28, 2004


God is so great. I have been praying (and spending way too much time thinking and talking) about something that's been on my mind lately. All along, I have been asking God for an answer to my question(s), and trusted Him completely, so I knew that no matter what the answer was, it would come from Him, and I'd be fine with it. Even though in my heart, I wanted to hear a yes, I really needed a no, and was almost begging for someone to tell me, "No, this is not going to happen." Late last night, I was talking with one of my friends, and she gave me a very clear NO. I thought that when that happened, I'd be disappointed, but I'm not. It was like my insides had been twisted, and then suddenly released. I felt so much lighter, and had a peace that I had not yet experienced with this whole matter. That was enough confirmation for me it was what God wanted for me. I was able to give it up to Him completely. I trust that if it is His will for my life, He will give it back to me, in His perfect timing. I realize now that what I had been looking for was a way for it to be okay to go outside His will - to try to make His will fit into my will. I am so grateful that an answer came quickly, and that it came without hurt. If I trust my heart to Him, He will protect and care for it.

On a completely unrelated topic: Success in the lab. I've got crystals!!

Dr. K - If you're reading this, go back to work! [ ;) jk]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

busted! but at least I'm waiting until AFTER work to post a reply. just in case BigBrother is watching. (drK)