October 21, 2004

Work out...fall out

I went and worked out today, for the first time in...well, let's just say it's been a while. I've been kind of disappointed with myself for letting myself get into such poor shape. I get winded just walking up stairs. And it's not a looks thing...I just know that it's not healthy to weigh as much as I do, even with muscle mass...and I definitely don't have as much muscle mass as I used to. That much is sure.

I still know how to push myself, and that's good, but I think I may need to ease into this a little more gently than I did today. (Evidence - ralphing in the trash can, almost passing out, and barely being able to walk up or down the stairs, or even walk at all) I am meeting with a personal trainer for the first time early next week (yes, I've been a member of the gym for seven months, and only just now meeting with a personal trainer and really working out) and I'm hoping that I will learn something, and that he will help motivate me. I definitely already know how to lift weights, but I'm hoping he'll be able to help me get into cardio shape, and to loose some of the extra pounds of fat I'm carrying around with me. I know that getting into better shape is going to involve loosing weight (from fat) and that it will help be be more active, be healthier, and feel better about myself.

Side note: It really helps me to have a workout partner(s). It was very motivational to be at the gym with friends today, keeping me moving, and pushing myself...plus, it's just more fun that way.

One negative this morning - Setting up an appointment to meet with a trainer made me late to class this morning. I really need to figure out a reliable way to be on time for classes, appointments, tests, um...everything. I somehow always find something to do that makes me late. I don't know if I just need to schedule my time, or if there is something deeper that needs to change...I tend to think it's a combination of the two.

Along those same lines, I need to figure out how to cure my procrastination. I think that my being late to everything and my procrastination are tied together somehow, I'm just not sure how yet. (Also, not wanting to get out of bed in the morning...somehow, all of these things are tied together, and I'm not sure how, or how to fix the problem.)

Last weekend was awesome - four days in Charleston, SC (note edit from last published as VA - I think I need to refresh my geography). I got to build an awesome sandcastle, and I saw five shooting stars. Our speakers were great, and God really reached me where I was at. Isn't it awesome how He always manages to do that, no matter where we are. If we are listening, He always has something to tell us. It was so calming for my spirit, and rejuvenating. I love this season, where the sun can shine so brightly, but the air and wind is cool. I could have spent hours just laying in the hammock, dozing on and off, listening to the soundtrack of the waves crashing and the gulls calling, or just singing and dancing on the beach. That last night at the house, that was all I wanted to do...just sing and dance. The stars were so beautiful...such a reminder of God's creation, and His sovereignty. And He gave me such a gift - five shooting stars! The sky looked like a black, velvet sheet, with crystals sewn into the fabric. The ceiling of the heavens looked so far away, and yet that was one of the times I have felt closest to God. My heart was simply bursting with joy and love and thankfulness. God revealed to me so many pictures and analogies between nature and my relationship with Him. It never ceases to amaze me how one experience, one weekend, can be so tailored to my individual needs. God always seem to speak through people, directly to me, so long as I'm listening. He has been so faithful through my sluggish growth as a Christian. I have been so challenged lately, and I have recognized areas in my life where I need so much healing, and so many things that I want to change, through the strength of God, so that I will be in His will. I could go on, but time is running short...

1 comment:

the reeser said...

J-9 has started her own blog. I see you, too, have been lured by this magical, yet very strange artform. I'm not sure where Charleston, VA is, but our trip to SC was awesome. On the singing/dancing note... you would have laughed to see me on the beach around midnight on Friday (that's all I'll say about that).
