December 20, 2004

Grüss von Deutschland

Hello all, from over the sea in Germany!
I have been here for over a week, and it has been wonderful.
Just as a side note, for those of you who care, I finished up the semester with ok grades in both classes. I might have been able to do better, but then, that's usually true. I'm just glad it's all over.
Back to the present day:
I am in Germany working with some missionaries at a living nativity in the Christmas market in Amberg, which is a city in Bavaria. We have sheep, and a donkey. We take Polaroid pictures of the kids and adults as they come to the living nativity, and we also hand out Überaschungspacketen, or little gift bags, in which the Gospel is presented several different ways. Over 2300 pictures have been taken, and at least as many bags have been given out. A large amount of work goes into preparing the nativity and the bags. It is hard work, to hold onto a donkey for five hours in freezing weather, or to take pictures, stick them in the cards, and pass out all the bags. Please pray that Nancy, the donkey, will stay calm. At times, she rears back or starts to bolt, and this makes it difficult to restrain her, and scares off the kids.
It has been a busy week. I will be here in Amberg untill Christmas Eve, when I will take the train to my Oma's house. Then I will be in NYC from 12/28 to 1/1 - that's right, New York for New Year's, baby! I am excited to get to see the city again. It's been a while.
Well, that's all for now. I probably won't blog untill I get back to Altamont, NY, so don't waste your time checking before the new year. Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Please remember that Jesus is the reason for the season!

1 comment:

the reeser said...

cool pictures j-9. glad your having a good time. i hope you have a great time with your grandmother for christmas.