September 30, 2005

English class - Idioms and paralanguage

I'm not sure I've quite figured out how to do this whole two blog thing. I guess I'll just start posting things on both from now on, just check your favorite format...and LEAVE A COMMENT, for crying out loud...I KNOW you're out there...lurking in the shadows of the world wide web...leaving behind your cybertrail...okay, I hope that by now you're laughing, and that you know that I'm kidding! I love you all, even if it remains so quiet that you could hear a pin drop...oh, I found another one! [Read on to see what I'm talking about.]

Kyle's post on qualifiers brought to mind my intermediate English class from Tuesday. We talked about idioms and paralanguage. Do you have any to add to the lists?

Eat like a horse
Sweat like a pig
Fighting like/Raining cats and dogs
Pulling out my hair
Driving me batty/up the wall
Going out of my mind
It's like pulling teeth
Sleeping like a log
Quiet as a mouse

ah hah
uh oh
uh uh
tsk tsk


Anonymous said...

hey chica, how about 'light as a feather', 'eats like a bird', or my personal favorties 'hungry as a hostage' ( not sure how that one will go over with folks) or 'it's hot as Hades'

much love

Anonymous said...

how about "shh"? (:

it's good to hear everything's going well over there!

Kari Tjader

Janine said...

Pssst...a little birdie told me that if you keep your nose to the grindstone, and your eyes on the prize, you will win one for the gipper!

That was over my head, cause I'm in too deep.

Thanks for commenting, guys! Kari, how are you doing?
