September 05, 2005

In the apartment!

As my post title indicates, I've moved into the apartment. On Friday, we got the keys, and although the apartment was not as newly furnished as the rental agent had indicated it would be, it is now home. We spent all day Saturday fixing it up (putting in light fixture, shower curtain, minor things like that!), and I spent Saturday night there. (I'll upload some pictures later.)

On Sunday, I got to go to a Baptist church in Chemnitz. Much different from Calvary. I understood some of what the preacher said, but he spoke with a pretty strong accent. Sunday, we passed out flyers for the English class the Brubakers will be teaching. Here, unless there is a sticker on the mailbox saying "no advertisements" you can put in any kind of flyers. Then, that evening, we had an English evening at the Brubaker's apartment. There were five Germans who came. Our topic of discussion was food. It was a good time, but turns out that one of the women's husband is a preacher, one of the men is good friends with him, and another woman goes to an international church. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the ESL classes are to be an avenue to reach unsaved people. Ah, well, maybe there'll be a different response to the classes we're offering out of my apartment. The classes that I'm leading will be Mondays and Tuesdays, September 12/13 - November 21/22 (ten weeks). Please pray that there will be response to the flyers, and that I'll be able to develop relationships with many of my neighbors.

Today, I walked to the university, which is about a 15 minute walk from my apartment. I saw a couple of student apartment buildings, but not to many students. Hopefully I'll get to know many of them when classes start up again in October.

I guess that's all for now.



Amy Jones said...

Glad to see you're doing well. I'll pray that the Lord will bring people in your way. I love you and miss you. It was hard at the wedding for you not to be there. You were missed. I'll send pictures soon.

the reeser said...

don't be discouraged about the initial group. i heard a missionary speak once about having a dream that God would use him to help change a nation. he got really frustrated (maybe a bit jealous) when his own ministry efforts were not very fruitful, but the ones of the local students were. through it, though, he realized that God was showing him something like abraham being the father of a nation, which only took one son.

i love that story.