October 02, 2005


Yesterday was great.  I took some photos.  You can see them and more on my Yahoo! photos page.  (I tried posting them here - but you can probably see that it didn't work.  Imagine the photo to go with each comment - and just go to my Yahoo! photos page to see them.  They're all there.)

The band.  The guitar player was only 14, and played like Carlos Santana.  The drummer's name was Karsten - same as my brother's.
They were great.  They played lots of songs I knew, some in English, and some translated into German - Mein Erlöser lebt!  (My Redeemer lives!)

The youth.  The room was packed with kids and youth leaders.  Great day!

The Holy Flames, doing a dance (yes, in a church) to "Irene" by Toby Mac.  It felt like Love89 was in the hizzouse.  Fo sho.

Where we ate.  That says it all.

Another shot of where we ate, behind the church.

Wir haben gegrillt!  We grilled out, and here's proof that I was there!

My favorite photo.  WURST!!!

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