October 06, 2005

Siedler von Catan

The Brubakers are back (thank you Lord!).  They returned on Tuesday, and yesterday we did our weekly prayer walking through Alt Chemnitz.  We will start going through Lutherviertel, the section of the city where I live, next week.

After prayer walking, they invited me over for dinner, which I naturally accepted.  After dinner, Celeste and Zach were doing dishes, Sarah was reading, and Steve was up on the computer, so I just assumed (especially since it was a school night - the kids have to leave for school at about 6:30) that the evening was over, so I put my shoes on, and (sadly) got ready to go catch the bus back to my apartment.  Then I noticed that Zach was looking at me sort of strangely, so I asked what was up.  He said he was hoping to play a game of Siedler von Catan (see above - pictured is one of the expansion sets for the game, not a book; click on the link to find out more).  Oh Happy Day!  Siedler is AWESOME!!!  I immediately took my shoes back off, and went to go set up the game.

To give you a little bit of info about the game - it's like Risk, only funner!  (jk - more fun)  I don't even know how to explain it.  It took us two hours to play a game last night.  It takes a lot of strategery and is very complex.  The board is set up differently every time (the pieces of land or water are movable), so each game is a new challenge.  It's just good, clean fun!  Check out Wikopedia's sites about Settlers from Catan, and the expansion set of Cities and Knights, which we play with, for more information.  The second weekend I was in Chemnitz, the city set the world record for the biggest Siedler game.

Last night was fun - and it's SO good to have the Brubakers back in town!


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